& Ivy


I get the riot act read to me, this was not my idea.
It was my partner-in-crime Mary's brainchild to do a hot
Ivy/Harley image, as a DC follow up to my Ms.
Marvel/Spider-woman one. Believe it or not, 90% of the pics I draw of chicks making out are requested by women.
Yeah, I totally love my friends <3
Mary asked if I could draw classic Ivy here, which was fine by me.
This is the first real time I've ever drawn Harley Quinn and I'm
pretty happy with how she turned out. I pulled her mask off
because, well, pigtails are hot. I left out the makeup too, but
kept the black lipstick so you still get that Harley vibe. I'm
actually not a big Harley Quinn fan but I'll totally draw a redhead and
a blond in pigtails getting it on. ^_~
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