Handler One


I sat down with the 86 anime and ended up binging it (twice) and obviously Lena is quickly becoming a new favorite of mine.  She's trying to be the best person she can be in a shitty world, even when it seems that doing so makes no difference at all in said shitty world.  Instead of getting defensive when her flaws are pointed out to her, she actively takes those criticisms to heart in attempts to grow from them.  Am I being silly taking life lessons from an anime waifu?  Perhaps.  But I feel some of Major Milizé's character flaws mirror my own and it doesn't hurt to address them.

This is a pic I was quick to start but slow to finish, just because I kept second guessing myself (whici is nothing new).  A tight shot like this had me sweating the small stuff like the details on her uniform and her hair blowing around.  I had worries that I wouldn't be able to handle a lot of the light tones, namely her hair and skin but I think it ended up okay...?  :O

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