vs Predaking

a big pic I started earlier this year, maybe March...? I can't really
remember. This never got past the pencils because no matter how
much I played with it I just couldn't do what I really wanted to do
with this pic. I let it sit for a couple of months and I took it
back out again last night and there are still a bunch of problems to be
fixed. Though I don't think it can be salvaged I thought it had a
lot going for it to just throw in the trash before at least scanning
the thing. :3
I drew Giganta in her Terry Dodson-designed outfit because I don't
think that costume gets enough love. I really REALLY dig the
boots and that's why I drew her stepping on a building so I'd draw
attention to it. Predaking turned out nice too, though one of the
main reasons I'm ditching this one is because I dove into the art
before deciding on what the hell his pose was gonna be. This was
a cool pic to pencil (though probably not to ink) with all the
buildings falling apart and debris everywhere. :D
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