

burned through Yuki Yuna is a Hero last weekend and simply adore Fu.
She's my spirit animal but OH MY GOD I MIGHT NEVER DRAW HER AGAIN.
At first I was like "You're pretty complicated, but you'll be fun to
draw." I was right and she was fun but also HELLA COMPLICATED OH
When I was sketching and then inking almost every piece of her design
gave me trouble. This connecting to that and weird angles and so
on and so on. At first I drew her with her bigass sword but when
cleaning up the pencils I changed her pose and eyeline because I
decided I didn't want to ink said bigass sword. Fu's hair
especially had me bouncing off the walls
and I bothered people continuously bellyaching about it (sorry Abe).
The super funny thing happened after I toiled over the inks on
her braids and realized I had drawn them too big.
I almost screamed.
Anyhoo, I'm glad she turned out pretty cute. Not my best work but
it'll have to do because I probably won't draw this outfit again for a
looooooong time.
If ever.
Sorry Fu.
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