Frontpage Image
(Updated 2016.03.08)

wanted a fancy image to welcome people to the website, but didn't want
to fall back on Optimus Prima or Chelsea like I usually do.
I realized that I had never drawn my car/Transformer "Mai" as a lady
before. So voila! After putting this together, I
that Mai here would be sort of the mascot for the site. :3
The pose was trickier than it looks. I wanted a certain pose,
wanted to make it look natural too. And a sitting pose rather
than standing worked better for the type of image and layout I was
going for. ^_^
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
When I was updating my landing page art I was gonna stop using this
until I realized that it still held up pretty well so I thought I'd
update it a little bit and see what happened. I played with
skin shading and gave her a new face and it's almost like a whole new
thing. I guess I kinda knew what I was doing back then.
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contents © Copyright Silas
Zee 2010, All rights reserved.
All characters and properties are owned by their respective companies.
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Steve's Website templates