in the Wind


started as a still pic and then during the sketch I decided that
animating Freyja's hair would be neat because I hate myself and want to
cause myself pain I suppose.
I had a hankering to draw Freyja again but I'm still not really in the
mood to draw anything happy yet so thoughtful Freyja seemed like a good
fallback idea. When I started inking the frames for her hair I
was finding I didn't like the inks as much as I did the pencils.
So the final version you're seeing is actually the pencils
cleaned up a bit. It worked because I was being lazy and I think
the messier lines look better in motion. I think... XD
This turned out pretty good and I'm used the color stage as a guinea
pig to see what I can and can't get away with when I get to the
coloring stage of a (MUCH) bigger animation project I'm currently
working on. Test or not, this was a lot of fun and I'm more than
happy with the results. :D
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