Inks for Me,
I'm Freeeeeee!!!

not that great of an inker so I always lose some of that "oomf" in my
sketches when I ink them, so I thought I'd play a bit more with this
colored pencil dealy-o. Surprise, surprise I felt like drawing
Elsa and since her sketch turned out pretty darn good I thought I'd use
this as a test run.
I scanned the pencils like I usually do and played with the levels a
bit, but not too much to avoid the Xerox look. I cleaned up some
of the guides and stray lines but not too much since I wanted to keep
as much of my raw pencils around as possible. I killed as much of
the negative space in between the lines as possible and started
coloring. Halfway through I toyed around with coloring the actual
pencil lines and the gamble paid off. This didn't take near as
long as I thought it would so I'll definitely be trying this again.
I'm sure there are easier ways to do this (i.e. finally buy a
stinkin' tablet) but I'm an old fart set in my ways. XD
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