of the Moon
Optimus Prima

the movie, new toys, and BotCon just around the corner combined with me
wanting a new TFW2005 signature image, I thought I'd take a new swing
at drawing a movie version of Optimus Prima :3
you can see here, the promo
stuff for Transformers: Dark of
the Moon is showing Prime in a slightly altered design, so I thought
I'd do the same for Prima. Namely, since Optimus Prime is
showing off quite the six pack I adjusted Prima's outfit to show off
her abs and moved and tweaked the other robot bits accordingly.
Because of all of the complicated little parts and such, I obviously
don't draw this version of Prima all that often. Inking and
coloring this was a hassle, but I think it's time well spent since it
came out really well. ^_^
*** *** Update Notes *** ***
Almost a year after I did this piece I decided to come back to it.
It's not all that old and I've always been happy with the
but the colors always seemed kinda dull to me. I didn't
the shading any, just the color choices. I went with much
contrasts on the armor to give this a more glossy look and tweaked the
hair and skin tone to make them stand out more. Nothing
groundbreaking here, but the changes give the art a bit more pop.
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