Dinah Lance


started this after Dragon*Con 2010 where my friend Molly dressed as
Black Canary. I based the jacket here loosely on the one she wore
with the costume.
Like a Zatanna piece I did before this, I opted for hand-drawn fishnets
as opposed to a digital pattern so I'd have more control over them.
I suppose that wouldn't be a problem if I were more
Photoshop-savvy, but I'm not. XD
I tried a more care-free look for her hair, drawing out each individual
segment instead of sketching the hair out as an entire mass. I
think it gives it a more softer, organic look. Everthing was fine
after the colors except for her face. Something was off, and I
realized that I hadn't drawn the foreshortening on her lips to match
the rest of her face (you can see the problem in the inks).
thanks to the little digital editing I did know, I went in and
fixed them up. ^_^
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