Party Hat

threw my buddy Mary a surprise birthday party and the theme was
Jurassic Park. Her favorite dinosaur of all time is the
dilophosaurus so I decided to make dilophosaurus party hats.
Originally I was just gonna draw a dilophosaurus pic and glue
it on some hats but then I had the stupid idea of making them 3-D.
I say "stupid" because I almost gave myself carpel tunnel
cutting and assembling these. XD I when drawing these I
just drew one side of the head and one half of the frill and doubled
them up after the inks and colors. This not only saved time but
made sure everything would line up once I started putting these
I've included an unassembled sheet in case you'd like to make your own
party hats, or anything else that might require a dilophosaurus head.
It's pretty simple, just cut the frill and the head out along
the bold out lines. With the head fold it where the two
mouths meet and then fold the tabs out. Cut slits along the
two black lines in the frill and then stick the head tabs through and
VOILA! Dilophosaurus head! I bought a bunch of
Jurassic World party hats from Party City to use as a base and went
from there. Just a tip, if you're assembling these as party
hats I'd suggest attaching the frill to the hat first (I used a
stapler) and then tab the head to the hat. ^_~
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