Princess Daphne


it of not, I'm not a Don Bluth fan. Even more surprising is the
fact that this is the result of a conversation with another Bluth
non-fan. I think we were bitching and moaning about his movies
and that the only good stuff he's done were Space Ace and Dragon's
Lair. So, of course, my choices were Daphne and Kimberly.
Kimberly's being saved for a bigger project, so Daphne it was.
Daphne was tough here because...well... I'm not really sure why.
I do know that the sketch you see here is the third attempt at
drawing her. I dialed this pic more towards the naughty side in
the inks because of her pose. I kept trying to keep her modest by
playing with the angle of the outfit and her hand, but was feeling
really lazy at the same time so I didn't want to do any drastic
changes. So I decided "Fuck it, there's no way she's staying
covered up at this rate" and decided to give you fanboys what you want.
Besides, anybody who claims that they like Princess Daphne because they
dig her character and personality is just full of dung. XD
Honestly I had to sleep on this one regarding whether I wanted to post
it or not. It turned out okay I guess. I dunno, something
is just "off" about it. But in the end I thought "hell, people
just come here for boobs anyways." ^_^
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