Daisy Duke


I know, pretty friggin' random huh? XD
I was procrastinating today from drawing more Optimus Prima comic pages
so I asked a buddy to tell me what to draw, and for some reason Daisy
Duke was his response.
Oh no. Pull my arm.
I was more of an A-Team, MacGyver and Knight Rider kind of kid and
never really watched much Dukes of Hazzard. But I know who Daisy
is. Hell, EVERYBODY knows Daisy. Because I don't really
know the show, I didn't mind taking a lot of liberties with my version
of Daisy Duke. Outfit is generally the same, but I ditched the
plaid top because I'm awesome/lazy like that. I think she usually
wears sandals or something, but I thought cowgirl boots would look more
awesome here. And I totally pulled her hair and eye color out of
my butt, though I did keep her a brunette. Relatively. ^_^;
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