Cool Cats
(Updated 2017.06.01)

think Elsa would totally drive Jazz around Arendelle, don't you?
I like shamelessly pairing up Disney with Transformers and this dynamic
duo was the first idea that popped into my head when thinking of
drawing some Frozen fanboyisms. I went through a couple pose
ideas until I landed on this one, and kind of "we're too cool for this"
diddy. ^_^
The way I drew and colored Elsa's corset actually came from the Little
Golden Book art, where the artist rendered it like a collage of
different colored panels. Her skirt is a lot more flared and
fluffy than it is in the movie and I don't care. It's more
fun to
draw and shoes off her epic shoes more. :D
*** Update ***
I thought this one was kinda timeless. I was right and wrong.
Jazz is pretty much how I still draw Transformers but Elsa
needs some work. Her figure and pose are still okay.
It's her face and colors that needed some sprucing-up.
Revisions took longer than I thought, the better part of a
night. Like I said, on a whole the piece isn't bad.
It's elements like her face that make me go "What the heck
was I thinking back then???" XDDD
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