In response to a lot of folks asking about a print version of Optimus Prima's origin comic, I've tagged the great team at ComicBookPrinting.com to bring you a chance to take a copy home! ^_^
Each book will be $15 Shipped Anywhere In The World.
thanks for buying a copy, the book you'll get will have EXCLUSIVE front
and back covers AND new two-page epilogue that will tie into the sequel
"The Devil You Know"! (Sorry, I can't post pictures here.
Otherwise they wouldn't be exclusive! ^_~).
comic is and will always remain free to read online, but I wanted to
give folks who shell out their hard-earned cash a little something
extra. :3
comic will be signed (or unsigned if you don't want me scribbling all
over the pretty new cover XD) and arrive bagged-and-boarded.
I've always thought that the back of comic boards were bland so
as an added thanks you'll also get a sketch of Prima on the back of the
board! <3
To place your order or for more info, use the "Contact Me" button in the nav bar or email me at silas.zee@gmail.com. I only have a very limited supply right now, so please only one comic per person.

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