

did pieces of Elita One and Firestar a little while ago, so I thought
I'd give another Female Autobot a go. Since blue is my favorite
color, Chromia got picked for this round ^_^
Obviously I've changed her up quite a bit compared to her original
animation model. Some of it was to better fit the way I draw
female silouettes, but mostly the changes were to match the new alt
mode I came up with. Since Chromia was Ironhide's flame in the
show, she transformed into a sort of Cybertronian minivan. That's
all well and good, but I couldn't figure out how to make that work with
my version of Chromia without making her look incredibly blocky or have
a lot of parts dangling off of her. So I went with more of an
armored compact look for her car form and I think it works okay
(though, I still need A LOT of practice when it comes to drawing giant
transforming robits XD).
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