

are like four people I can think of that will know what this is from.
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Now that I've given you that buffer to figure it out (or to Google it)
this is a costume from the Magic Kingdom Festival of Fantasy parade.
I finally got to see the parade this past December and the ChaCha
costumes were by far my favorite. A special shout-out goes to my
buddy Josh and his brother Abe for hooking me up with reference
pictures. They helped a lot more than my crappy phone pics.
Anyhoo I worked on this piece on and off for about a month (I started
on it almost immediately after coming home from Disney World).
There's very little about this that isn't complicated so I didn't
want to rush it and end up screwing something up. I think I spent
at least a week on the hair alone. :O
I wish I had done something more elaborate for the background.
But I'm just not that good... XDDD
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