

had the hankering to draw Princess Celestia the other day so I whipped
up a doodle during my lunch break. The said doodle turned out to
be a pretty darn good sketch so I finished it up. ^_^
It turned out pretty good, but I know what I'll do differently the next
time out. The hair turned out nice, though next time I'll try to
draw it more like water and without all of the segments. I also
realized that I forgot to draw all of the little curly-Qs on her tiara
and chestplate. I had a tough time deciding how to color the
white on her body. At first I thought about giving it a shiny
pearl texture but that ended up being TOO shiny, especially give the
almost metallic hair I have going on here. I dumbed it down a bit
to what you see here and made sure that the contrasts weren't too stark
so she still looks like a magical, pretty pretty unicorn. XD
Special shout out to my bro-sis-ta-fina Tracy for putting a second pair
of eyes on this. :3
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