

is a wacky idea I had driving home from work the other day.
Besides that, I have no history to tell you about where this came
from. I have no idea. I didn't even have hot dogs for
dinner that night. XD
I did know that I wanted to get this on paper as soon as possible so I
started scribbling as soon as I sat down. The toughest part was
figuring out how to show that she's making a U-Turn. I'm still
convinced that there was a better way to do just that and I'm sure
it'll come to me in the shower and I'll kick myself for a week
afterwards. Oh well, for now I'm pretty happy with that. ^_^
It's been a while since I've worked on a comic page that WASN'T Optimus
Prima and it was pretty fun. I might have to do this more often.
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