

"Captain Annamerica." I haven't made up my mind. XD
silly thought popped into my head as I was finishing the latest X-Elsa
pic. I was thinking of
drawing a
dynamic duo-esque superhero princess piece and first thought of teaming
Elsa up with my Snow
White doodle but then
I thought that she obviously team up with Anna. But who to
Anna's outfit off of? Then I remembered liking Cap's Age of
Ultron outfit lots and lots and it all started to click.
When I was working on this I couldn't decide which color scheme to
mainly go with, Captain America's or Anna's? I thought the
would be too busy but after I finished most of the highlights it didn't
seem so bad. All of the crazy tech panels on Cap's movie suit
sort of worked in my favor when adapting them to Anna's outfit, though
I think a second pass at this design could help tighten things up a
bit. Also I put the shield on her back since I haven't quite
decided what that's gonna look like yet... ^_^;
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