Canuckle Head


was still on a Wolverine high after finishing this
quick Wolverine
doodle so I started sketching out this pic. I was
gonna see Logan
that night so I let it sit as pencils so I could use my post-movie
fanboying to fuel the inks and colors. Alas I wasn't crazy
the movie at all so this wasn't to be. :(
I liked the sketch but in my self-induced slump couldn't muster the
oomph to finish it. Some friends talked me into finishing it
anyways so I gave into peer pressure and did just that. :D
I'm glad I did because it was pretty fun. Like I've said
I've never really drawn Wolverine well before but I think I'm getting
the hang of it. Him being really short and stocky lets me
around with proportions. And his bright primary color scheme
out too.
Yeah, that's Pabst he's holding. I thought Logan would have
terrible taste in beer. XD
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