Strike Force


cold never bothered us anyway."
So there's a new Robots In Disguise figure named "Blizzard Strike
Optimus Prime" and he's (obviously) decoed in shades of blue.
I, of course, see this as official confirmation that Disney
and Transformers characters are hanging out together since
Hasbro got the Disney license.
I was able to pick up said Blizzard Strike Prime at BotCon and this
idea popped into my head, for better or worse. At first it
was just gonna be Elsa and Prime but one of the Hasbro guys suggested
Marshmallow too. :D
Usually with mult-character pics like this I'll clean up the pencil and
ink stages but I thought I'd leave them be this time around.
One reason is that I'm lazy. And the other reason
is that working with layers really is magical and this is one of the
reasons why. :3

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