The Black Widow


be completely honest, I'm not a Black Widow fan. I don't hate
Natasha, but I don't really like her either. I guess I'm pretty
neutral on the subject. So why draw her? Because I saw one
of her action figures at Toys R Us and bought it because I thought it
looked pretty hot. XD
Anyways, I thought I'd draw a piece of fan art while I was at it
against my better judgment (it's those damn black outfits again).
I'm really surprised that no one has asked me to draw her before,
but I guess my abundance of Black Cat art fills the leather bodysuit
quota and then some, eh? ^_~
I doodled around a bit until I cam up with this pose and stuck with it.
The foreshortening on her right arm could have been better, but
it's the only real beef I have with the lineart. Because of it, I
added her "Widow's Bite" in attempts to cover that up a bit. The
colors came together rather nicely, especially her belt. I made
that a bit bigger than I've seen it drawn to throw in an interesting
contrast on the lower half of the costume. Speaking of costumes,
her scared the shit out of me after inking it so I went with a more
minimal approach in terms of shading it. I filled the bulk out
the costume with a near-flat black and put some highlights near the
edges. I then threw in more blurred highlights in the middle for
a sort of "leather-y" look. I dig the blue metallic highlights on
the figure, so I used a blue base on my art to match. It turned
out pretty badass for such
a simplistic (and lazy) attempt. :3

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