Endings FTW

just realized that this comic won't make much sense if you haven't read
the original Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen. SPOILER
ALERT: The Little Mermaid dies and turns into sea foam at the end
because mermaids don't have souls.
...yeah. >_>
been wanting to draw something along the lines of Disney fairy tales vs
the originals but never had a good idea until today.
You like
your fairy tales depressing? More power to ya.
Me, I love happy endings. So bite my red, shiny poison apple.
Oddly enough I think these are the best Belles I've ever drawn. XD
The Beast coulda been better but I threw him in as an
afterthought so I'm not sweating it too much. Belle's expressions
were obviously a hoot to draw. :3
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