

the weekend I was helping a buddy with some coloring stuff and I put on
some old anime as background noise as I worked. When I started
Ah! My Goddess I honestly watched more than I worked so I started
drawing this pic of Belldandy in her movie battle dress. I
obviously still struggle with anime stuff, but the colors here make up
for those shortcomings I think. I spent waaaayyyyYYYYYYYYY more
time coloring her hair than I probably should have. XD
This took a lot longer to ink and color than I originally thought, but
it was also a ton of fun. Especially since I don't think I've
really thought of AMG stuff much less drawn any of it since college.
This was a surprisingly involved piece and it was neat trying to
figure out how best to do things, like inking her hair and how I should
color her pinstriping. And here I thought I was getting off easy
drawing her Battle Dress instead of her big poofy dress. ^_~
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