& Friends


is a piece I started on about a month ago to be a print I'll be selling
at TFcon 2012
at the end of the month. I heart The Baroness, but don't draw
her much because of my black leather phobia. This idea has
been in my head for quite some time now and I thought TFcon would be
the perfect opportunity to finally draw it. I know that
Shockwave's never really shrunk down when transforming, but I thought
he'd look cooler with The Baroness than Megatron. That and
the purple spices up the colors on the art. ^_^
Speaking of the colors, I wanted to make sure that the armor looked
like it was made of a different material than her bodysuit so I put a
couple layers of gloss on it to make it look like it was metallic body
armor over a pleather jumpsuit. :3
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