

the name of the moon I
After having so much fun drawing Sailor
Moon for the first time in God knows how long I knew I wanted
to jump right back in. My buddy Cathy suggested a while ago
that I should draw her all torn up after a fight and I took her up on
that. :D
Drawing a Sailor Moon pic was fun last time and I'm still having a
great time drawing her, even with a piece as complicated as this.
Though I did spend a whole lotta time on the inks trying to
figure out what I had done with her hair during the pencils.
There are a bunch of weird elements to this pic that don't
make much sense and I apologize for that. I also apologize to
my friends who were hanging out with me online while I was working for
that since I had the same two songs on repeat for hours while I worked
on this. ^_^;
Lastly, shout-out to Ryan for coming up with the title for this pic.
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