

an example of Silas not being able to leave well enough alone.
I'm no stranger to going back to "finished" art and retweaking it a
bit. Fixing a line here, adjusting colors there.
Hello, my
name is George Lucas. How are you today? ^_~
I've always liked this piece, but the faces always bugged me, even
almost a year (YIKES!) after the fact. I had a really hard
finding my groove in the show's unique style and I think it really
showed in the end. The other day I was doodling and found
Arcee looked a lot better if I just went with my own way of drawing
faces. After about an hour in Photoshop I wound up with final
that I'm much happier with. I've kept the original piece and
comments below for posterity's sake. :3
of posting this, only the first two episodes of "Transformers Prime"
have aired. I'm not completely sold yet, but Arcee being the
token lady bot I knew I had to draw her eventually. Her
design is
pretty neat, she actually has character development so far AND she's
not completely OMG PINK! XD
At first I was going to try to draw her in my own style, but ended up
trying to emulate the CG details as best I could. I was about
scrap the piece because I didn't want to make a carbon copy, but it was
turning out okay. That and I figured I should get a feeling
drawing the original model before making changes of my own. I
ended up spending a lot longer than I usually do on the pencils, about
an hour. I wasn't happy because the pic wasn't looking
like the reference stuff I was using but then I decided to let it slide
since the pose was working. But after the inks and splashing
colors on it I saw that I was closer than I thought during the pencils,
so I feel a little vindicated. But just a little.
It's not perfect, but something built in the computer for a 3D
environment is a hard act to follow-up with a pencil and pen
(especially for me). But I think this piece still stands okay
its own.

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