My Way


think every Transformer artist is required by law to draw Arcee at
least once. I've drawn her before, of course, but never came
out with a piece that I liked until this one. I decided to
put my own spin on her. First I "unrolled" her Princess Leia
buns into long hair. But more importantly I gave her some
more "organic" curves to add that BA-DUNK-DUNK factor. The
lines ended up being very clean without much cleanup, and the colors
ended being equally kind. I added some blue to her color
scheme to break up the solid pink motif she usually has going and I
think it worked out well. The pipes on her arm are actually
part of her car mode exhaust. I actually figured out a rough
transformation sequence for my take on Arcee. Maybe I'll get
around to drawing it out one day. Maybe... ^_^
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