

are some big boobies...O.O
Err, anyways... I drew April
a few days ago and with almost all of my finished pieces I looked back
at it and thought "I can do better next time." This follow-up
is in fact an improvement, and I'm not just talking about her bust
size. XD I think it's mainly due to the fact that I
did better with her hairstyle this time around.
Remember April's original action figure? Of course you do.
It was pretty badass, and one main reason is that she had a
camcorder accessory that was actually a disguise for a pistol.
How awesome is THAT?
at it again? Hang back, fellahs. I've got my Glock."
If only. If only...
Obviously I liked that feature with the toy, so I thought I'd have this
new April pic showing that off. It was also too good of a pun
to pass, so yeah. Boobs. I honestly didn't mean to
make them THAT big and hadn't really noticed the size until I scanned
in the pencils. But then I thought "whatever."
Did you just nod at that? Pervert.
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