

love drawing "my" Aphrodite, for obvious reasons. I get to cut
lose with some crazy cheesecake and I don't really need to have an
excuse. This piece is totally shameless, and I'm proud of it.
That and it turned out damn good. I did some redesigning
here, first with her outfit. I made her robe super sexy, and
super unrealistic. Olympian goddesses don't care about physics,
so don't give me no shit about it. XD
I also went crazy with the hair. I went INSANE with the hair.
It took me over two hours just to color the hair. I went
through about half a dozen different styles before settling on this
one, using Google searches like "wavy hairstyles" and "curly
hairstyles." In the end the best search wound up being one for
prom hairstyles.
I don't know if I'll stick to this particular design for Aphrodite from
now on, but there are things I like. I like the complicated robes
and the fancy hair, though I'll probably fool with the little details
next time around. I might also play with her skintone some more.
It's good, but not great. I played around with different
tones for about an hour before I just gave up and thought "Fuck it,
I'll just start from scratch next time." ^_^
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