
allergic to peanuts and a peanut butter cookie disguised as a sugar
cookie sent me on an ambulance ride due to the worst allergic reaction
I've ever had. I knew there was a comic in this adventure
somewhere and I came up with this while on the emergency room bed.
I ended up inking Anna in the Mr. Peanut style. I especially like
how smug he looks in the first frame. That wasn't planned but I
rolled with it since it seemed fitting. I didn't know what he
would be saying/singing in that frame and went to Google to find out if
there was a Planters jingle and lo-and-behold there is one!
So I got to turn a scary adventure into a funny comic bit and got to
draw crazy Anna beating the crap out of Mr. Peanut. Not a bad
trade off if I do say so myself. ^___^
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