Full Metal WHAAAA?!


was a belated birthday present for my buddy James. She's helped
me out a ton with art, and you'll see more than a few examples of that
in my galleries here. ^_^
Anyhoo, she's big into FMA Brotherhood (which I still haven't watched
T_T) and <3's her some Alphonse. I keep promising her Al art,
but I don't draw guys all that well. Even worse are my suits of
armor, which puts me between a rock and a hard place. But I
really wanted to draw her something nice for her birthday and I finally
figured out how to pull this off...BE CREEPY AND HOT AT THE SAME
I mean, think about it. In the show, Ed grafted Al's soul to a
suit of armor because it was there and the best choice at the time.
But what if that suit of armor was for a chick? HILARITY ENSUES.
The segments of Al's armor design lent themselves pretty well to a
female form. The trick was actually getting it there. I
lenghthened the torso for starters and adjusted the chestplate to
accomodate the bust. The longer, poofier ponytail was a given as
was the longer loincloth. The helmet was the most fun, and the
trickiest to do. It's also where I took the most liberties.
I changed the "jaw" section to be more like lips, played with the
forehead to accompany the goo-goo eyes and added sort of elf ears to
make the sillouette more interesting. That and james has a thing
for elves. :3
A special shout-out goes out to Cathy from GSTQ. The nosebleed Ed at the bottom was her idea. :D
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