Cuffs Were YOURS."


moment in Wonder Woman #12 was one of the few moments that had me
physically jump with fanboy glee while reading a comic book, and I've
been meaning to draw something along these lines ever since. :D
I would apologize for wandering into spoiler territory, but if you
haven't read that issue at this point it's your own damn fault.
Originally this was going to be a part of a bigger New 52 Wonder Woman
piece, but I didn't like how the other pic turned out. I really
liked how the sketch for this was going so I decided to give up on the
first piece and finish this up by itself. I tried doodling in the
rest of her upper body but the initial pic of her head, shoulder and
arm seemed to work a lot better. "Keep it simple, stupid" right?
In the comic her eyes glow completely white/blue, but I decided to kick
the opacity down a notch so you could see her irises to lend to the
ominous tone I was going for. ^_^
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