30 Years of Transformers:
Silas Style :)

is how Silas celebrates 30 years of a transforming robot toy
brand...with boobs.
Lots and lots of boobs. :D
I've had this idea since last year and originally meant to work on it
all through the year to spread the work out. But if you look
through my gallery, my style changes all the time. Because of
that I didn't want this looking like ten different people drew and
colored it so I decided to draw it all at once...which is as tough as
it sounds. :O I blew through this in about two and a half
weeks, rolling through the first season of G1 as "reference" of course.
This was a ton of work, and I think I might be cone drawing robot
ladies for a while, but it was also a ton of fun. A lot of the
characters I thought would be a chore to draw, like Thundercracker,
Huffer and Sludge, ended up being some of my favorites in this whole
thing. :D
Thanks for all of the memories, Hasbro. And here's to many more
years. ^_^
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