Princess Yue


rented The Last Airbender the other night and didn't like it.
Then again, I didn't really like the series, but I'll admit that
the cartoon was tons better than the flick. :/ I've
actually seen a good bit of the series regardless thanks to my friend
Meredith, and it ended up being kind of helpful. It's the only
reason I knew what the hell was going on in the movie. XD
The only positive thing to me was the actress that played Yue was
really pretty. So much that I whipped this up. It's not
perfect, but not bad for a sketch I doodled up waiting for work to end
and using only two crappy screencaps I found. I emphsized her
eyes because I thought they were her most striking feature, compounded
by the bright blue contacts she was sporting. I also did some
flourishing on her collars and went crazy with her hair. The line
colors on her hair were a happy accident, but they work. The fill
colors use a red base while the hair outline uses a blue and I think
they both work to give it a kind of translucent effect. ^_^
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