

haven't watched a new Anime in, wow, at least three or four years (I
dunno, when did Macross Frontier come out? XD) I honestly
found Symphogear by chance. I saw pictures of the upcoming
figures and thought the designs were pretty awesome and decided to
check out the show. I watched all 13 episodes in like two
sittings and it was all downhill from there baby! Chicks who sing
to activate kickass battlesuits? What's not to love?! :3
Tsubasa here was the first figure I saw and my favorite character.
I tried a couple more action-oriented poses, but none of them
were really working out. I figured it was because she's got a
pretty complicated outfit that I wasn't really used to drawing yet, so
I went with a more standard pose to kick off my Symphogear fanart.
I love her ankle swords but at the same time I needed to pose her
carefully to show them off. Her and Hibiki's Figma figure need to
hurry up and get released so I can have better references to draw from.
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